What Is the International Window Cleaning Association (IWCA)?
Have you ever wondered what happens when the world’s leading window cleaning professionals get together? The answer is the International Window Cleaning Association (IWCA) Convention. This annual convention is a gathering of window cleaners, entrepreneurs, and vendors from all around the world. It is an incredible opportunity to learn more about the industry and discuss new trends, methods, and technologies that can be used to make window cleaning safer, more efficient, and more profitable. Attending these conventions can be incredibly beneficial for anyone looking to learn more about the window cleaning industry.
The History of IWCA
The IWCA was founded in the late 80s by a group of window cleaners to promote safety, education and enhance professionalism throughout the industry. Since then, it has grown into an organization with hundreds of members from dozens of countries worldwide. The IWCA hosts several events each year, including educational seminars and expositions for both commercial and residential window cleaning. The goal of these events is to share best practices and help members stay up to date on new developments in the industry.
Each year, IWCA holds an annual convention and trade show for professionals working in all facets of the window cleaning industry, from high-rise and route/residential window cleaners to those who manufacture goods and services for window cleaning. Additionally, the association offers four regional safety training sessions per year which gives companies the opportunity to have their employees professionally trained. The IWCA also has an online learning portal for members and nonmembers, with member pricing and benefits far exceeding the cost to become a member. Safety training courses, employee training, glass surface education, and business 101 courses are all available in Campus IWCA to take advantage of to ease the pain and time of training and education.
Sunshine’s experience and participation
At Sunshine Window Cleaning we are proud to have been a part of the IWCA. This year we got to participate not only by attending the convention, but by helping run it as well. We’ve attended multiple conferences and take advantage of every opportunity to learn something new or connect with other like-minded individuals within our industry. We believe that it is important to stay abreast of all innovations within our field, so we look forward to attending these conventions year after year!
The owner of our company Greg Reid has been a part of the IWCA by being a Board Member, Executive Committee and president from January 2021 to January 2022. He has attended over 10 conventions to date and has been a member for ten years. Greg decided to be President of the IWCA from seeing a need for more high-level training along with safety standards in the residential and storefront window cleaning professions. Being the president of the association wasn’t something that he sought out but was chosen to do. Then deciding to be president was an homage to give back to the profession and association that did so much for Sunshine. Furthermore, he values the relationships made through the Association. For Greg being the president of an association such as the IWCA was rewarding. It stretched his comfort zone. Public speaking and leading an Association was rewarding on many levels. He grew as a leader and found that serving others is a secret to leadership.
Mary Simmons was a convention staff manager and education sessions manager at this year’s convention. She moderated sessions, created biographies on speakers, helped at the registration booth, and decided which sessions which would be useful to the IWCA among many other things. Her favorite part about working this year’s convention was being the master of ceremonies “MC” during trade shows. The class presented by Bergflow was Mary’s most informative class she’d taken. The Class was on the proven structure to grow a 7-figure service company. They presented the proper structure and foundation to lay in order to help your company grow. The three main points being leader of services, operations, and growth. She has enjoyed going to the convention many times and can’t wait to attend these coming years.
Another Sunshine employee Katherine Hupe was also involved at the conference. She was a part of the sub-committee with duties consisting of introducing speakers, helping guide attendees to the proper areas, and timing for the speed runs at the trade show. The most beneficial class Katherine has attended is Hands-on Glass restoration. It helped her gain a better understanding of the Glass Renu System and how to operate it properly. For Katherine being a part of the IWCA has helped her gain knowledge, a better understanding of the window cleaning business, and helps her promote the business more.
Here is an insight into Janelle, part owner of the company experience with the International Window Cleaning Convention. Attending the IWCA conventions over the last 4 years, I have increased my knowledge of the window cleaning industry, gained insight from likeminded entrepreneurs, and built lifelong friendships with the other members. It has helped me improve the systems in our company and the overall safety and training for all our team members. I have learned so much at the IWCA conventions and have had a blast hanging out with my fellow window cleaning friends and business owners. The IWCA has helped improve Sunshine Window Cleaning in so many ways, and I can’t wait to see everyone again next year in Galveston Texas. When asked her what the most beneficial class was she’s attended at the convention she couldn’t pick just one. She believes that the fact that the IWCA has something for everyone and new classes year after year is the most beneficial part of being a member.
Incorporating IWCA Methods Into Your Business
At Sunshine Window Cleaning we use many of the methods taught by the IWCA at their conventions throughout our business operations. We practice safe ladder techniques for both residential and commercial jobs as well as proper techniques for handling ladders on slopes or stairs. We also make sure that our employees are up to date on OSHA safety regulations regarding fall protection devices such as harnesses and body belts, which are often discussed during IWCA conventions. We stay informed through events like these we can ensure that our employees remain safe while providing high quality service for our customers! These are examples of how to incorporate IWCA practices into your business.
The International Window Cleaning Association (IWCA) is an excellent resource for anyone looking to stay up to date on best practices within the window cleaning industry or network with other professionals around the world. At Sunshine Window Cleaning we have been proud participants in this organization since its inception over 25 years ago! We highly recommend attending an upcoming event if you are interested in learning more about how you can incorporate some of their methods into your own business operations or simply meet other like-minded individuals who may have valuable insights into your industry!